Friday, June 19, 2009

Final blog (almost) and the Future of the Sainteny Stele.

Corrinne Delacout of "La Presse De La Manche" noted that Mayor Michel Lepourry and organizer Jean Paul Pitou wish to continue the ceremony honoring the 83rd Division and the accomplishments of all the Allied Troops (French, British, American, and Canadian) that liberated Sainteny and Normandy. This is wonderful news as it means that our children will have the opportunity to observe what my father, my son and I experienced and what families and veterans for 65 years have experienced, a day long remembrance and celebration of the return to the village of liberty and freedom. In addition to the ceremonies and playing of anthems, let us not forget that the community of Sainteny can throw a party, too.

This blog will chronicle June 7, 2009 in photos as completely as possible.

First ceremony : Re-Dedication of the Stele of Sainteny, anthems, moment of silence, gifts from the children, photo ops, Reeanactors, speeches.

Walk to Flag Room.

Gift of Flag of the District of Colombia to the Flag Room of Sainteny.

Walk to the School Hall for Champagne toast.

Walk to Community Hall for Lunch, Wine and Calvados.

Goodbye's and warm farewells.

1 comment:

  1. Fantastic Blog! Great photos of the many events and the honorees and townspeople - one notable exception, however. Where is DAVID ZAMULA, chief organizer and blog master? Applause to Tristan, event photographer and chief translator!
